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I am so excited and honored that you have chosen to join me in this incredible journey of faith! 

I am Bobbie Perkins, a 4 foot 11-inch bundle of energy and enthusiasm! The most important thing to know about me is that I am passionate about Jesus!  God doesn’t live in a compartment of my life to pull out when I am ready for Him. He is woven throughout every fabric of every detail of my life, and I want you also to experience the joy of intimacy with Him. I encourage you to leave your comments on my website and social media accounts so that I and others can be encouraged by your insights. 

I feel a sobering responsibility to handle God’s Word carefully and live my life in a way that is representative of the truths that I share. I must admit that it is my continual prayer that the gap between what I teach from the Word of God and the integration of those truths into my life will continue to close more each day. I still struggle to appropriate the truths of what I believe into how I live. I am an unfinished work! It is with great humility, then, that I acknowledge that as I share God’s Word with you, I have already prayed that it would pierce my own heart first. 

I have been married for over 30 years to my sweetheart Denny Perkins, whom I like to describe as an overgrown 10-year-old boy. He loves amusement parks, rock collecting, and all those things that little boys love. Aaaaand we birthed three girls! Ha-ha! God brought us wonderful sons-in-law for our daughters, and we now have 3 beautiful grandchildren—Bryce, Nora, and Haven.

I live in a suburb of Memphis, Tennessee. It is a wonderful medical community with the famous St Jude Children’s Research hospital and other fine facilities. It is also a fabulous running community with various running groups, including the 901 Sole Sisters, of which I am proud to be a part! I am an extrovert, so I love people! I have been known to engage strangers in long conversations out in public, while my semi-introverted husband watches with a mixture of bewilderment and exasperation. 

I love my family, friends, and enjoying God’s creation by being active outdoors. Other loves: coffee, music, books, board games, traveling, running, hiking, and early morning sunrises. And the best for last…Jesus…with every fiber of my being. 

I have been a nurse for 36 years and enjoy serving the Lord by serving others. It is a challenging job for my body–long hours on my feet and constantly meeting demands amidst staffing and time constraints. Even greater, it challenges my soul- to serve others in love, even those who may respond to my care with hostility. God is still teaching me patience when I feel stretched beyond my capabilities to do all that is being asked of me, to cling to His peace amidst the chaos. That is a hard struggle for me.

I believe that scripture is both a mighty weapon and a healing balm for every need we have. My desire is to reach the needs of others by encouraging them with scriptural truths. Whether I am leading women’s Bible studies, ministering at our local crisis pregnancy center, or sharing with a hurting friend, The Bible is the place I turn to for wisdom and guidance. I am excited for us to dig for these treasures together!