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And a Little Child Shall Lead Them

Pray for Ukraine!

Today, while I was living my comfortable life, a child in Ukraine watched his teacher die from missile fire. 

Tonight, while I am snuggling under my warm blanket, believers in Ukraine are praying in the cold, knees pressed into the snow, for the survival of their families, their country, and their freedom. 

Tomorrow, while I pray random, superficial prayers, a mother in Ukraine will be praying that her children survive the brutal attacks on innocent civilians. 

Oh, Great United States of America! We, who have strayed from our Christian roots…Could it be that a country smaller than the size of Texas is teaching us how to live a life of faith? God help us…to repent of our complacency…to have the boldness of these people who have the faith to ask God for a miracle for their country…and to trust God no matter what the outcome. 

Little Ukraine, may you be like the mighty warrior David, defeating your own Goliath by your confidence in The Lord of Hosts. He is the commander of all armies, the ruler of every force under heaven and earth! May He show Himself mighty on your behalf!

And may you, Ukraine, who are small in size but great in faith, be as the little child who is not harmed while leading the great formidable predators….and may you lead us. May you lead us to boldness to share the gospel because the time is short. May you lead us to fervent prayer because God hears the pleas of every heart lifted to Him. May you lead us to an eternal perspective because this world is a lesser reality than eternity. 

Almighty God, Maker of heaven and earth, hear our prayers on behalf of Ukraine. Squelch the efforts of evil oppressors, and protect the weak and vulnerable. Use the tragedy that is unfolding to bring opportunities for the gospel to be spread and for Your Name to be glorified. May believers in my own great country follow the example of our fellow believers in Ukraine and run to the very heart of God.

And a little child shall lead them. 




  • Lilly Minor

    Oh Bobbie! That is my prayer for myself. That I would be bold to tell others about Jesus, that they would know His love, grace, mercy, peace and salvation!! Thank you!!!! Love you!!!