Satan wants to destroy us because we are the object of God’s love, and he hates God.
Satan wants to destroy us because we are the object of God’s love, and he hates God.
God didn’t leave us as a free little mouse, forgiven and released from our trap but still destitute in the cold.
There is new grace for every goal. New mercies for every mistake. New strength for every struggle.
What debris needs to be cleared from my heart today so that the One True King can make His arrival evident in my heart?
Letting God’s Word dwell in us richly ultimately brings thankfulness in our hearts to God.
I would hate to get to the end of my life and wonder what might have been different if I had trusted God more.
It’s the popular idea now that “whatever you believe is true for you, and whatever I believe is true for me.”
Jesus calls us to count the cost of discipleship because He knows what can happen in our lives when we fully commit all that we know of ourselves to all that we know of Him.
Why did the God of all creation leave heaven, dress Himself in humanity, and humble Himself to experience our struggles, to suffer, and to die?
The thing that communicates to others that my faith is real is how well I bridle my tongue.
© 2024 Deeper Roots