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I watched a flower unfold this week. It was a beautiful sight, and I felt privileged to witness it. The petals were hesitant, seeking the light, but unsure if the light would come. As the light spilled out, the blossom grew to its full beauty, reflecting the light that had changed it. 

This flower was not in a garden, but in a counseling room. The stem was the body of a woman who had allowed a doctor to take the life of her unborn child. The petals were a face that had once been tear-stained in grief but was now tear-stained at the realization of God’s forgiveness. She had carried that secret burden for over 30 years and had finally found freedom. The radical change in her countenance was truly like watching a flower unfold. 

There are many women like her. In fact, in the United States alone, 1 out of 4 women has had an abortion. It’s a staggering statistic. Many women are silently keeping their secret so that no one will ever know. Often these women struggle to find forgiveness and are crippled by feelings of unworthiness. 

I was one of those women. It took me over 10 years after my abortion to understand that God would rescue me out of the pit, even the pit that I had dug for myself. Even the pit that I deserved. Why? Because He is abundant in grace and mercy and longs to show compassion. The sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross was enough to cover ALL sin, even that dreadful one. 

You might be one of those women. If so, I am so sorry. I want you to know that your life can be different. You can be free from the shame and secrecy. Secrets make us sick. You can learn new ways of responding to the sorrow and guilt and find peace and yes, even joy…in the glorious gift of mercy! It is a journey that is best traveled with the support of others who have traveled the same road, using God’s Word as your guide. 

If statistics are accurate, even if you haven’t had an abortion, then someone in your inner circle has. Please share with them that there is hope. This hope brings a new understanding of God himself. 

So, I invite any precious woman who feels that abortion has left some scars in her soul— to participate in a life-changing Bible study at Life Choices of Memphis. It is non-denominational and based on scripture. It changed my life almost 25 years ago, and it is still transforming women today!  It is an incredible blessing and gift from God that I get to encourage others through the very same ministry that changed my life so many years ago. Come. Be changed! Be set free!

To participate in this confidential study, you can email or call 901-227-5808. If you are reading this from somewhere that is not in the Memphis area, you could search online for post-abortion recovery to see if there is a similar ministry in your area. I want you to be there…I want you to be free, too. 

If you don’t feel ready or have some questions, please feel free to email me at I am praying that those who need to will take that first courageous step toward healing!

The Journey

I want you to be there. I want you to see.
It’s just over that hill, and you’ll finally be free.
Through your tears and regret, you still don’t understand-
That it’s for YOU that He holds out that grace in His hand.
It’s hard work digging up pain from the past.
You can stuff it or numb it or keep wearing a mask,
But the sorrow’s still there, and you still carry that load.
I know. I have walked down that long, lonely road.
Please- just keep trudging a little further with me.
I want to see when it happens— when God sets your soul free!
I long to reach down in that pit where you are,
But I can’t pull you out— for my hand has no scar.
His hand reaches and rescues. It’s been there all along
To set your feet on a rock and give your heart a new song.
Repentance and sorrow with obedience renewing
Bring the mystery of grace and God’s relentless pursuing.
Beloved, He’s redeemed you in powerful glory.
Accept now His peace. And then go tell your story.

c. Bobbie Perkins




  • Lilly Minor

    That was awesome and moving and I’m praying with you! Love you Bobbie!

  • Sharon Friedman

    Such a moving and inspiring testimony! The love of God does not get any more simpler than this; His invitation is always extended. Love ya!

  • Bobbie Perkins

    Thank you, dear friends. I love y’all, too!