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God’s Mercy Manger

Can you imagine what the angels were thinking? As they watched the birth of Jesus, the hope of all mankind, bringing redemption to all who would believe, can you imagine the rejoicing of that heavenly host? My church has the best music ever, but I am confident that the praises lifted by heaven’s choir easily surpasses even the music at my church!

Can you imagine what the shepherds were thinking? As that angel brought them the news in that quiet field, overwhelming them with fear at the glory of the Lord, it must have been the most exciting moment of their lives! Luke 2 says they HURRIED to go see the newborn king. I’m sure they had some adrenaline on board after seeing that angel!

And what are you thinking? Are you thinking about decorating, cooking, and gifts to wrap? Have you ever unwrapped the greatest gift? After all, He is the reason we are celebrating! “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life,” (John 3:16). I pray you don’t leave that gift unwrapped this Christmas!  If you have any questions about God’s gift of salvation, please email me at

God’s Mercy Manger

The light breaks through the darkness
Redemption draweth nigh.
Man’s freedom has been purchased.
Chains broken by a baby’s cry.
Joy and sorrow intermixed…
Heaven’s glory only known
By angels singing praises
As they gather ’round the throne.
O fathom deepest riches
That this earth would shame to boast
As they lift up praises to the King,
Songs from a heavenly host!
Glory, Honor to our God!
Sing praises to His name!
There is no other God like Him!
Eternally the same!
Proclaim to all the earth aloud:
Great things that he has done!
His righteousness shines brighter
Than the blazing noonday sun!
Celebrate His mighty power!
Rejoice within His grace—
That He should make a way
For man to look into His face!
Amazing love that ushers us
To come sit at His feet,
Brought to earth incarnate
As a helpless babe so sweet.
Born to die so we could live,
Saved from death’s wrathful danger…
The babe, the only path to life…
Cooing in God’s mercy manger.
-Bobbie Perkins c. 2023

