The recent overturning of Roe v. Wade is a monumental moment in history. Those of us who value life celebrate the decision that there is now no constitutional right in the United States to have an abortion! But it is also necessary to continue fighting for life because the recent overturning of the Supreme Court decision does NOT make abortion illegal. Yes, in some states it will be illegal. But in many, if not half of the states, it will still be legal to dismember innocent babies within their mothers’ wombs.
Did you know that numerous research studies have found evidence that babies in utero have the structures to feel pain as early as 7 weeks gestation, only 1 week after most women first discover they are pregnant? Did you know that fetal surgeons actually use methods for pain relief when performing surgeries on unborn babies? This is just one of the many bits of evidence that emphasizes that an unborn baby is alive and has rights. (There are many articles, but a particularly good one is “Fetal pain in the first trimester,” by Bridget Thill. It was first published in 2021 and is available from
I could make this blog post an educated argument against abortion. But that isn’t the only message I feel burdened to share here. Frankly, my heart IS burdened for those babies. In thinking of that, I want to tell you a story that gave me chill bumps. A friend of mine shared with me the last words that her grandmother said just before she stepped into heaven. Right before she died, this dear woman looked up, widened her eyes, and said, “Look at all the babies!” Then she died. Wow! Have you ever thought about all of the babies that are in heaven? Since abortion became legal in 1973, over 63 million babies have lost their lives through abortion. 63 million!!! Heaven is full of these babies who never saw this earth but are still greatly loved by their Creator.
But the babies are not the only ones I am burdened for. Abortion hurts women. How do I know? Because it hurt me many years ago. Praise be to God that He released me from the chains of that guilt and grief because “He does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us,” (Psalm 103:10-12). I can truly say that I am free from that burden. But, oh, what a heavy burden it was! For many years the guilt and shame of it choked my growth as a Christian. So, dear one, if abortion is one of the burdens you carry, I encourage you to bring that burden to Jesus. “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest,” (Matthew 11:28). If you need to talk about this, please email me at I will respectfully keep this in confidence and share with you resources that can change your life forever!
There are other groups of people in the abortion arena who also burden my heart. I pray for the politicians and judges, the doctors and nurses, the clinic owners and employees…but the burden that especially overwhelms my heart is the number of friends I have who support abortion and truly believe they are doing what is right in supporting it. How do I respond to them? That is a question that must be answered by all of us in the pro-life arena. How do we respond as Christ would to the pro-choice world?
“Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed to the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light,” (Ephesians 5:11-13).
What does that verse say about how we should respond to sin? Expose darkness. Bring light. When we bring light, the darkness becomes visible, and when it is illuminated, it changes to light. We must bring people to the light of Christ because the light of the Holy Spirit is the only means of true change for the human heart. I have to ask myself if I am fighting as hard for the souls of people as I am for the pro-life agenda. Yes! Fight for life! But I must not forget the souls within the people I am speaking to. So as I have conversations with people, I have to be careful to speak truth both boldly and in love. For that is how Jesus always confronted sin.
Roe v. Wade
The pro-choice crowd clamors and tries to convince,
Planting fear and confusion over recent events.
They claim to care about women and to be their ally,
But women’t rights never means that their babies should die.
We can protest and argue till we’re blue in the face,
But at the end of the day, when each side has made its case,
Are we just fighting and causing a wider divide?
Do we poison the gospel with our hatred and pride?
We don’t have to be silent! We must fight for what’s right!
For darkness fades only when exposed to the light.
We should refuse to be bullied by those who oppose us,
But are we still telling others of the love that God shows us?
If opposers spew hatred or are simply misled,
Do we respond in like manner or with Christ’s love instead?
The reason for babies being murdered and tossed
Is that hearts have no knowledge of the work of the cross.
We can’t expect for the lost to see the truths that we do
When their lens to the world has no God in its view.
I’ll keep fighting for life and speak truth even more
But examine my heart’s goal to love and restore.
Roe versus Wade is a victory- that’s true!
But abortion is still legal in many states to pursue.
Our fight isn’t over; this is where the work starts!
We battle in courtrooms, but the war’s won in hearts.
I want to think on this issue with the mind of my Savior
With words fitly spoken for His glory and favor.
At the cross Jesus looked on the repentant assassin
And offered him paradise with love and compassion.
c. 2022 Bobbie Perkins
Nancy Childress
3 years ago❤️❤️
Angelia Lewelling
3 years agoLove this my friend