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God's Faithfulness God's Promises

Resting in the Rhythm of God’s Faithfulness

God's Faithfulness

My feet pound in a rhythm with my breathing. The cold air leaves little puffs of condensation with each breath, but the work of my muscles warms me.  I love running on this path. The sun is beginning to peek through the trees. I see you, God, shining down your faithfulness in the faithful rhythm of the sunrise every morning. Your love letter is written in the trees and in the curious doe I saw, who stood at a safe distance to observe my intrusion on her space.

Lord, the rhythm of your faithfulness teaches me to be faithful to You. In a world where everything seems different and unpredictable, You are unchanging. I admit that I have worried about the future of my children and grandchildren. I have wondered about the future of my country and the future of believers amidst hostile opposition to our core values. I am calmed by your blanket of faithfulness that will cover future generations, just as it has covered me, just as it has covered Abraham, Moses, and other believers from the beginning of time.  Psalm 119:90 reminds me that “Your faithfulness continues through all generations; you established the earth, and it endures.”

I, too, want to endure, Lord. Just as You are steadfast in Your faithfulness, I want to be steadfast in my faith. I want to cling to Your promises as those who have gone before me. Fortified by faith and confident in my convictions, I will put on the armor of God daily to stand firm when those around me scorn or oppose me. Respectful, but resolved, I will speak truth when others oppose it. I will stand my ground with love, as Jesus loved unto the death. And I will stop worrying and start trusting. Resting in the rhythm of your unchanging nature, I put my concerns at Your feet, knowing You are still on the throne, knowing You can be trusted, and knowing You have a plan. You have always had a plan.

Your plan is for my good. Jeremiah 29:11 assures me that Your plans are to give me “a hope and a future.” I hope in You, Jesus, as I place the future of all of those that I love into Your hands. No matter what happens in politics, no matter what happens in my country or my world, You are on the throne. This world is Yours. Your faithfulness will continue to all generations.




  • Lilly Minor

    Oh Bobbie, are you getting tired of my always telling you how amazing today’s devotional is??? Because it is another AMAZING devotional. Thank you thank you thank you!!! I’m getting ready to go for a run and I will imagine you running with me and having our prayer time! Love you!!!

    • Bobbie Perkins

      Lilly, you are the best encourager ever! Thank you for all of your uplifting comments. And no, I don’t get tired of your comments. They confirm that I am doing what I am supposed to do! I can just envision your run today and sure would love to have been there! Love you, too!

  • Lisa Marcelina

    “Respectful, but resolved, I will speak truth when others oppose it.” Absolutely love this Bobbie!

    • Bobbie Perkins

      I’m so glad that resonated with you! Thank you for your feedback!