He loves Spiderman. In fact, he is OBSESSED with Spiderman. His red and blue markers are the first to run out of ink. The refrigerator is covered with pictures of his favorite superhero.
So in typical Nana fashion, on his recent visit I bought him a Spiderman book that came with a flashlight. He pushed every button, enjoying the sound effects and lights. Four-year-olds are easy to please.
As I drove him back to his parents on the last night of his visit, I glanced at his face in the rear- view mirror. He was holding up the flashlight, admiring it. “Thank you, Nana, for my new toy. I really like it!”
That began our discussion about how some kids don’t have any toys to play with. He didn’t understand, so I had to explain that toys cost money, and some parents don’t have enough money to buy their kids toys.
He was silently considering this new information. “That’s kind of sad,” he solemnly announced. “But do you know what?”
“What?” I wondered what great revelation he was going to share with me. Bryce is always full of interesting revelations. I thought he might talk about sharing and generosity. He is kind and eagerly shares with others. I waited for his words of wisdom.
“Wellll,” he drawled in his cute southern accent, “They really don’t need toys to have fun,” he spoke with authority. “They can run outside and chase each other. That is fun.”
I laughed as I thought about how much that boy loves to run. He has already completed two 5k races with me and earned a third place medal.
“And, Nana, you know…I love my new toy, but really…the hugs are the best thing. The hugs are better than the toys.”
My heart thoroughly melted. Simple truth from a Spiderman lover. Bryce could have talked about generosity, but he was talking about something just as important…Contentment. Joy in relationships instead of things. He had learned something that some adults have yet to learn.
Adults who are collecting toys. Accumulating things. Nice houses. Fancy cars. A boat that will keep them out of church and at the lake on Sundays. Expensive toys for their kids. Then comes financial stress and weariness from having minds filled with the things of the world instead of the peace of God. They haven’t learned that “They don’t have to have toys to have fun. The hugs are better than the toys.”
And I wondered how many children are missing those hugs because their parents are so busy working and accumulating things that they never spend time with their kids? I wonder how many parents feel they have to buy their children the newest gadgets, when what their kids really want is some quality time together? We all need material things, but sometimes material possessions get in the way of higher priorities, like relationships and having an eternal perspective.
Jesus gave a strong warning in Luke 12:15, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.”
The hugs are better than the toys. I love four-year old wisdom. I learn so much from him.
Like Paul, he was telling me the truth of Philippians 4:11.
“I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.”
I’m still learning, Bryce. Thank you for teaching me.
Lilly Minor
3 years agoOh Bobbie! That boy is wise beyond his years…and I think that “revelation” is just what we ALL need to hear!!! Thank you again for being faithful in writing your blog. It blesses me EVERY SINGLE TIME!!! Love you girl!!!
Bobbie Perkins
3 years ago AUTHORYou are a very special blessing to me, Lilly!
Georgia Pointer
3 years agoWhat a beautiful post and a great reminder of what is most important. Thank you!
Bobbie Perkins
3 years ago AUTHORThank you, Georgia! Glad it blessed you!
Georgia Pointer
3 years agoWhat a beautiful reminder of what is most important!