FEATURED by Bobbie Perkins #activitiesforchildren, #grateful, #thankfulness, #thanksgiving, #thanksgivingactivities, #thanksgivingdevotions contentment Daily Inspiration Encouragement Thanksgiving Devotions Convert Your Grateful Thoughts To Actions FEATURED Like Nathan mentioned in his article on my previous post, God has also been revealing to me where I fall short in the area of thankfulness.…
FEATURED by Bobbie Perkins #encouragement, #faith, #familydevotion, #thankfulness, #thanksgiving, #thanksgivingdevotion Welcome! Turning Thanksgiving into ThanksLiving (series post 2) FEATURED Welcome back to the 2nd post for Turning Thanksgiving into ThanksLIVING! We are continuing to talk about: WHY IT MATTERS THAT BELIEVERS LIVE IN GRATITUDE Our…