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Ministry Trusting God

What Is Jesus Asking You to Give?

When we trust God, we see Him work.

When it comes to ministry, have you ever felt that God was asking you to do something that was over your head? I don’t know about you, but I kind of like to stay in my comfort zone. There are some things that I feel fairly confident doing— leading a small women’s bible study, participating in a committee, writing a devotion. Other ministry opportunities (things that you may consider easy), I consider more difficult, like teaching a large group of children, decorating for an event, or singing a solo. We definitely all have different talents!

Even within those areas of strength, however, God sometimes likes to stretch us. He doesn’t want us to get so comfortable that we are serving in our own strength. Because when we start serving without seeking Him, our ministry is devoid of the thrill of seeing God at work.

I have a friend who sings in the choir. He has a decent voice and occasionally sings some solos. I should preface this with the fact that our church has TREMENDOUS musical talent with some very gifted musicians and soloists. This friend knows he is not in that category. But he can sing pretty well. He just gives God what talent he has and enjoys serving.

Our choir director recently asked my friend to sing a solo in a very difficult song. He didn’t want to do it. He felt that the song was over his musical ability. He could have said no. He could have let someone else do it. Surely someone else had more talent.

In John 6:1-14, there was another person who felt he didn’t have enough. But instead of saying no, the small boy gave Jesus everything he had. And Jesus took the boy’s five loaves and two fish and blessed the boy’s trusting willingness with the tremendous miracle of feeding five thousand people. The twelve baskets of leftovers confirmed that God loves for us to trust Him instead of our own resources.

In the same way, my friend decided to trust God and sing the solo. He was nervous, but he decided to step out in faith and practice plentifully. He also asked for prayer. I remember praying for him and feeling nervous for him because I knew he did not feel confident.

That lack of confidence in his own ability forced him to trust God. The song stretched his vocal range, but his obedience stretched his faith. And God showed up. His voice was strong and on pitch with no hint of nervousness. It was definitely the best solo I have ever heard him sing.  The part that made it so incredible was that it taught me something about trusting God and allowing Him to stretch us.  God blessed his obedience, and my friend had a moment. He even got a standing ovation. It is a blessed memory in our church because we knew we had witnessed something special. We felt the presence of God. Instead of praying he would be able to sing the song, it was as if we were reveling in the twelve baskets of leftovers.

We all saw God work that day because my friend gave not out of his ability, but out of his lack. And God took care of the rest. Where is God asking you to step out of your comfort zone? Are you serving in your own strength or trusting in the unlimited resources of God? You might just see a miracle.




  • Nancy Childress

    Love this! Thanks, I need this today!