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God has given us a whole array of weapons against our adversary.

We walked out of the restaurant, laughing with our friends with whom we had just enjoyed a wonderful dinner. As I approached the passenger side of our car, I stopped dead in my tracks. Not again! Seriously? 

The rear window had been shattered, as our new car had been broken into for the SECOND TIME in two weeks! What an anticlimactic experience after such a fun evening! Memphis is a high crime area, but this seemed a little much!

The police officer explained that a large gang of about twenty thugs were stealing Chargers and Infinitis. And, of course, our new car just happened to be a Charger. Thankfully, the car had not been stolen, but we realized that we were not prepared for this kind of unseen formidable enemy. We needed additional protection. 

The car now has a top-level security system on it. It warns us if anything is amiss, and if the alarm is activated, the car cannot be started. It has GPS tracking and many more features. It is also helpful that we can access the security system app on our phones, which are usually with us at all times. 

As believers, we are also fighting an unseen but very real enemy. Spiritual forces of darkness lurk in the unseen realms. Ephesians 6:12 states, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” 

A gang of twenty thugs is small compared to the devil’s army. Satan is the prince of darkness, and his goal is to steal and kill and destroy (John 10:10). He wants to destroy our faith and trust in God. He wants to destroy our thought life, our families, our health, our witness to others, our relationships, and our future. He wants to destroy us because we are the object of God’s love, and he hates God. 

Satan wants us living as defeated Christians, but God has equipped us to stand up to his tactics by taking up “the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one” (Ephesians 6:16). The shield of faith is like a security system on steroids. But that isn’t all. God has given us a whole array of weapons against our adversary. 

Ephesians 6:10 doesn’t say to put on some of the armor of God. It says to put on the “full armor.” Why? “So that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” Exactly what is meant by the full armor of God? Verses 10-17 explain each piece that God has given us. 

  1. THE BELT OF TRUTH- Oh, how our culture clamors that there is no truth! “What’s true for you may not be true for me” and situational ethics are the philosophies of our world today. The belt of truth reveals blatant lies and stealthy deception of the enemy.
  2. THE BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS- God has called all believers to personal holiness. The more we stand up to temptations in our lives, the easier it is to continue to choose righteousness. 
  3. THE GOSPEL OF PEACE- The enemy uses anxious thoughts and fear to destroy our peace. This ploy distracts us from seeking God, even planting seeds of doubt that God is good. The gospel brings peace— peace that we have been reconciled to God for eternity. Peace that we can trust God with our lives. Peace that He will never leave us. We can choose to walk in worry or choose to walk in the peace that comes to us through the gospel. 
  4. THE SHIELD OF FAITH- The shield of faith protects us from fear. We don’t have to be afraid of attacks from the devil because God has provided us a way out of every temptation, and the Holy Spirit gives us strength (I Corinthians 10:13). Does that mean I put myself in temptation’s way deliberately? Of course not! Sometimes the best way out of temptation is to avoid it altogether! It is by faith we believe God’s promises and trust His power to protect us and help us through difficult circumstances. 
  5. THE HELMET OF SALVATION- How can I claim the King’s power over the enemy if I don’t know if I belong to the King? In order to defeat the enemy, I must be certain I am in the right army! Salvation is the key to using ALL of the pieces of armor. Our entrance into God’s army is by grace through faith. God has given us security in our salvation that as believers, there is nothing we can do that will separate us from His love (Romans 8:38; John 10:29). ***If you have questions about salvation, please read the message tab under the menu section of the home page of my blog.
  6. THE SWORD OF THE SPIRIT- This is the only offensive weapon we have been given—Scripture. God’s Word was inspired by the Holy Spirit and speaks to our hearts through that same Holy Spirit’s revealing its truths to us. The Word of God is “living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword” (Hebrews 4:12). If God’s Word is my offensive weapon, am I making sure my weapon is fully loaded? How much time am I spending in His Word?

It remains to be seen if the car will have any more mishaps. My car security system isn’t foolproof, but I feel better knowing that I always have my phone security app with me. And in the spiritual realm, my Great Protector, the Holy Spirit, is always with me as well. He is constantly protecting me from the enemy and exposing darkness in the world. I commit to do my part of vigilance by donning every piece of the armor God has given me! 


Which piece of the armor of God do you struggle with consistently wearing?

Do you think others can look at your life and know which army you belong to?

Are you loading your offensive weapon by spending time in God’s Word?


Our Great and Mighty God, I’m comforted to remember that You hold all power over Satan, and I thank you that You have given me the resources to stand firm against the attacks of the enemy. Forgive me for the times I have not been vigilant or even been too lazy to put on the full armor You have given me. Thank you that I don’t fight alone— that You have Your own army in the spiritual realm. Thank you for the Holy Spirit who is always interceding for me. Please strengthen my resolve to be a mighty warrior for you and to bring light to the darkness. I pray this in the name of Jesus, through whom we have confidence in You, Amen. 




  • Kristi Davis

    Encouraging words on a Monday morning- reminding me who the real enemy is and we have all the armor ready!

    • Bobbie Perkins

      Glad it spoke to you! Thank you for YOUR encouragement!