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What kind of Christmas traditions do you have in your family to keep Jesus in the forefront of your celebration? One thing our family does is our “Happy Birthday Jesus Box.” It is just a decorative cardboard box that says “Happy Birthday Jesus” on the front. What we do with it is similar to making a New Year’s Resolution. We do it as a family, but it is a private matter that nobody else sees. We think about what God is speaking to us about in our walk with Him and what we might like to do better for the upcoming year. It is basically our gift to Him, our desire to be obedient in what He is leading us to. An example may be to spend more time in prayer or Bible study. It may be to devote more time to ministry or improve in an area of struggle. We write it on an index card, seal it up, and place it in the box. The following year, we take out our previous year’s envelope and decide if we kept our promise to Jesus for that year. Some years I have been happy about my progress. Some years I could have done better.

When the kids were little, we had to help them with this. The entries were amusing, such as not annoying the cat or fighting with a sister. With maturity has come deeper goals. But the tradition has always been a part of our family Christmas celebration. One year I promised to reconnect with an estranged family member. I was obedient, and God miraculously made it happen. Last year I promised to step out in faith with my writing. This blog is part of that promise.

There have been some promises I made to God that I have broken. I am grateful for His grace to give me new mercies every morning. The sweetest thing about it is that no matter how many promises to Him I fail to keep, God always keeps His promises to me. What a sweet reminder in reading the Christmas story that God blesses us when we believe His promises! Luke 1:45 says of Mary, “Blessed is she who believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!”

Believe with me for this upcoming year in the promises that God is fulfilling in your life. And while you’re at it, think about what promises you can make to Him for 2021. This is your gift of obedience. Your heart of love and obedience is the gift He most desires.




  • Lilly Minor

    Oh Bobbie, I love this tradition and I may do it for New Years. I think it is brilliant and so special. It also puts the emphasis on what we need to do to grow in Jesus, not try to grow in ourselves. Not that that is bad, it’s just we WILL grow in ourselves IF we seek to obey Him. Thank you again. I can’t wait for your blogs!!! They are AWESOME!!!

  • Shirley Picou

    What a beautiful tradition Bobbie. I like the idea of instead of New Years resolutions to improve ourselves with the usual lists, a resolution to improve ourselves spiritually. Not only will that be a gift to Jesus but a wonderful gift to ourselves as well!

  • Lisa Ketler

    Love this idea Bobbie!!!! Happy New Year😘❤️