What seems so trivial can be the root of something pervasively sinister.
What seems so trivial can be the root of something pervasively sinister.
I know that I can trust God because He is trustworthy, and He loves me. He will steer me through the twists and turns when I come to Him in prayer with my hands off of the steering wheel.
He is the familiar, the beloved, the One I want to cling to so that His imprint is seen in my life…making me more like Him.
Jesus calls us to count the cost of discipleship because He knows what can happen in our lives when we fully commit all that we know of ourselves to all that we know of Him.
Is your time with God something you squeeze in so that you can rush off to some other form of recreation that you enjoy more?
Is it possible that your intense desire for that THING you are praying for has taking preeminence over God Himself in your life?
© 2025 Deeper Roots