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When my daughter Hannah was little, she had a beloved blanket, much like Linus in the Peanuts cartoon. She snuggled with “strings” (as we affectionately called the worn fabric) when she watched tv or was sick. She would cling to the blanket when she was afraid of a storm. She would hold it closely and bury her her face into it when she was tired. She had to have it for every nap and every night at bedtime. That blanket was familiar and comforting to her. 

Some mornings Hannah would stumble out of bed with a mark on her face from the pattern of the blanket making an imprint on her. Her face had been pressed so hard against it, little swirls from its design were visible against her cheek or forehead. Like a temporary tattoo, what she had clung to had left its mark on her. 

It works the same for us, you know. We become like what we cling to. Have you ever thought about what you are clinging to? What do you hold close when you are afraid of the storms of life? What brings you comfort when you are sick in body or soul? What gives you peace and rest when you are tired? Because what you cling to will leave its mark on you.

We could turn to the comfort of a big bank account, and it will leave marks of pride and greed. We could turn to alcohol, and it will leave marks of addiction and broken relationships. We could even turn to friends. Some of them will point us to Jesus, but others will point us to the world. 

Life gets hard sometimes. I have a friend who at this moment is going through a difficult, scary experience on the heels of another difficult, scary experience. As I prayed for her, I couldn’t help but wonder, “Why, Lord? She loves you and serves you and wants to glorify you. Hasn’t she been through enough?” 

And then I remembered the blanket. Suddenly it all made sense. We become like what we cling to.  My friend is clinging to Jesus. She is clinging hard. I think He must have her taped to His side! She is running to Him for peace in her storm. And the more she clings to Him, the deeper the imprint He is making on her. He is making her like Him. Glory! Isn’t that our ultimate goal?

When you are tired, Jesus will give you rest. When you are afraid, Jesus will give you peace. When you need comfort, He is The Great Comforter. He is the familiar, the beloved, the One I want to cling to so that His imprint is seen in my life…making me more like Him. “For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son…” (Romans 8:29). 

“Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything,” (James 1:4). 

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest,” (Matthew 11:28). 

My Earnest Prayer

Lord, take me and mold me to make me like Thee.
Be the Light for my soul when the darkness I see.
Let me rest unshaken in Your perfect peace;
As I draw nigh to You, may all struggling cease.

My Jesus, for me you suffered such pain,
Yet You stood at my heart, an entrance to gain.
I lift my eyes to the cross where I gaze at Your face,
And know it is I who should hang in Thy place.
So, my God, in great awe I now yield You my soul.

No longer mine, but Your Spirit control.
All that is there by Your grace to renew,
Submitting in prayer, my stubborn will to subdue.
Oh, more like Jesus is my prayer to be—

Naught else my seeking but longings for Thee.
I have no want for the world’s passing ways—
My goal— to see Jesus and lift Him my praise.
My heart’s desire rings out true and clear—
To tell of my Savior so others may hear.

As I put off the old me and put on the new,
Lord, please mold my heart to make me more like You.

-Bobbie Perkins c. 2022




  • Lilly Minor

    Hi Bobbie! I LOVE the word picture of the blanket. I want to buy a bunch of blankets and give them to others with a copy of this devotion attached. Is that OK with you if I do that at Christmas??? Thank you my dearest and most trusted friend! Thank you for blessing me and being one of God’s tools to help me grow and become closer to Him. Love you!

    • Bobbie Perkins

      Oh, wow, Lilly! I am so humbled that you are encouraged by my simple words, and overwhelmed that you want to share them with others. That would mean so much to me- yes, of course you can do that! I never know who is reading or who is being encouraged, but I always know I have a faithful reader in you. You are a large part of this blog! I write to encourage people…then you encourage me…then I write some more…lol! When I first started this blog, I wondered if I would eventually run out of things to write about. But God is definitely too big for me to run out of words about Him!