How to Be Happy
Everyone wants to be happy. As believers in Christ, many of us have heard the statement, “God is more interested in your holiness than your happiness.” Although I agree with that, I also know that the Bible actually does talk a lot about our happiness!
The problem is…we often don’t follow the instructions found in the Bible on how to obtain happiness.
In John 13:17, Jesus is in the upper room with his disciples. It’s just hours before his crucifixion. I imagine He wants to leave them with some important truths on their last night together. What does He say?
“Happy are you if you do these things I’ve taught you.”
He doesn’t say, “Happy are you if you KNOW these things.” He doesn’t even say, “Happy are you if you memorize these things, highlight them in your Bibles, or do a word study on them.”
Happy are you if you DO these things.
James 1:25 reminds us that we shouldn’t be forgetful hearers of the word but that we should follow through with what it says and obey it. He says if we do that, we will be “BLESSED in the DOING of the Word.”
Happiness and blessings come from obedience.
The opposite is also true. Life just gets hard when we don’t do things God’s way. Psalm 32:10 tells us, “Many are the sorrows of the wicked.” That’s a sad statement. I have seen deep sorrow from sin, both in my own life and in the lives of others.
Obedience comes in so many forms, and it looks different for different people. To one of my friends, it means leaving her home to live in a foreign country to share the gospel with unchurched people. To another, it means cutting the grass for her elderly neighbor.
It has looked different for me at different times. It has meant forgiving that person who wronged me. It has meant drastically limiting my tv time to spend time in God’s Word and tightening my budget so I can give to my church and other ministries. It always means seeking God to ask Him…what is my next step of obedience?
And sometimes that next step is scary. Even recently I wrestled with something God wanted me to do, and I was afraid. And I admit I have too often turned away from that step of obedience.
I remember my first rollercoaster ride. I stood uncertainly in line, nervously trying to conquer my fear. I took the plunge and found it was a thrilling experience, and I got right back in line to do it again.
That is what obedience looks like. When I trust God, even when what He asks me to do is scary, there is a thrilling joy of knowing I am in following His plan for me.
And I want to get back in line to do it all over again.
Because I have experienced the happiness that comes from obedience.
3 weeks agoThank you Bobbie!! Again, you hit it out of the park. Obedience is the way to a joyful, blessed and fulfilled life in Jesus! I love you!!!
Bobbie Perkins
3 weeks ago AUTHORThank you, Lily! I can’t say I’ve always been obedient, but I can say that I’ve always been happier when I have been!