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There was a sea of people, and my 4 foot-eleven-inch self (ok, yes, I rounded that up) could not see over them. Too many other parents were standing in front of me. I would have to use my ears instead of my eyes. The fun week of summer camp had ended, and all of the children were excitedly crowding toward the door as their parents arrived to pick them up.

 It was my 4th grade daughter’s first church camp, and the 4th graders were the youngest ones there. I hoped she had enjoyed the week and prayed she had grown in her walk with God.

Enthusiastic voices echoed from the high rafters of the barn-style gathering room. I could hear animated snippets of conversations—”And we made puppets….I won the talent show….I asked Jesus to be my Savior….” Beautiful children were eagerly telling their parents about their week, and I strained my ears to hear the familiar voice I was looking for.

As I concentrated, trying to filter out the clamor of the others, I heard her.  “Mama, I’m over here!” As I peered through the armpits of the parents ahead of me (this is the life of a short person), I saw my sweet daughter’s face peering back at me.

We found a quieter corner so she could tell me about her week. She shared about the fun she had experienced and told about the new friends she had met. She was exhausted but beaming with a heart that had been drawn closer to Jesus. I am so glad I took that moment to step away from all the other voices so that I could hear what she had to say.

I have to do that with God, too. So many voices clamor for my attention, and if I don’t step away for some quiet moments with my Savior, I hear the voices of other people instead of His voice. In my busy world of juggling a full-time job, household duties, ministry, family, recreation, writing, counseling, and other things, sometimes it’s hard to hear the voice of my Savior over the din. What’s even worse, sometimes I let the voices of others drown out His voice in my life.

Negative comments. Disapproval. Unwelcome suggestions. Voices criticizing me or the people whom I love. People pleasing. The opinions of others sometimes drown out the voice of God in my life. I don’t ever want to let what others think of me overshadow what God thinks of me. But it can happen. It is a favorite tool of the enemy to distract me from God’s call in my life.

I’ve allowed it to impact me many times. It’s hard to be wounded by the words of others. It takes concentrated effort to focus on God’s voice over the voice of others.

But it is so worth it to go find that quiet corner so I can hear His voice of truth. The rewards of finding that One Voice amidst the clamor of all the others is like a life-changing week at camp. It helps me to remember that I live to please God, not others. I have to repeatedly examine my heart to see if I am valuing the opinions of others more than the opinion of God.

Paul recognized this struggle when he said, “If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ,” (Galatians 1:10, NIV).

Whose voice is loudest in your life?
Whose opinion matters the most to you?
Whom do you serve?
Are you people pleasing or God pleasing?

“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer,” (Psalm 19:14, NKJV).

One Voice

I’m juggling things I feel I should do,
But my Savior is calling…He’s the One I pursue.
I want to hear Him, but the bustle and noise
Sometimes drown out the sound of His voice.
Lord, help me to filter the things that don’t matter,
All the critical comments and negative chatter.
Teach me to retreat to that still, quiet place
To stop looking at others and instead seek Your face.
Lord, help me to seek you in times when it’s hard
And not look to others for my self-regard.
You are the only One I need to please,
No matter if everyone else disagrees.
My Redeemer, I know there’s no person on earth
To whom I should rely on to gain my self-worth.
So why do I listen to others with fear
When Your Voice alone is the one I should hear?
Following You is the goal that I’m after
Undivided in heart, eyes on Jesus, my Master.
Teach me to stop looking to the left or the right
And instead keep Your call in the field of my sight.
When I retreat from the clamor, I can drown out the din
And follow Your Spirit who is living within.
You’ve established my worth by the cross and its price…
I’m not following people….I’m following Christ.
c. -Bobbie Perkins




  • Minor

    Hi Bobbie! Oh, this is such a great lesson. It is so easy to let the voices of life, the world, and even those we love, drown out our Lord’s voice. Thank you!!! Plus, you crack me up with your short comments! 🙂 You are the best!!!