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Easter God's Character poems salvation

The Miracle of Justice and Mercy

“It isn’t fair!” How many times have you said (or at least thought) that? I know I have heard of horrific crimes in which the criminal was never convicted for the offenses committed. Sometimes people manage to escape the justice system.

But God is always fair. He is holy and good. Psalm 119:68 speaks of God’s character, “You are good, and what you do is good.” God’s fairness means that no guilt goes unpunished. After all, a judge is not a good judge if he doesn’t enforce the penalty for a crime.

 But the amazing part is where God’s justice and mercy meet. We are all guilty of crimes against God. “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” (Romans 3:23). The penalty for that sin is death. “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord,” (Romans 6:23).

God’s love for us caused Him to do an amazing thing. “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, so that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life,” (John 3:16).

God’s justice demanded death for our crimes. But He sent His Son to pay the penalty for our sins. When I was young, I had heard that Jesus died for our sins. But I didn’t understand what it meant. I thought it meant that He was so upset over our sins that He died, kind of like dying of a broken heart.

I later understood the substitutionary aspect of the cross— that Jesus died in my place so that I wouldn’t have to. And it broke me. I knew my sinful rebellion didn’t deserve mercy like that. “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us,” Romans 5:8.

He didn’t just die for the Corrie Ten Booms and the Adrian Rogers of the world.  He died for the cold blooded murderer and the twisted pedophile. Hard to imagine isn’t it? Now take that one step further…imagine letting your beloved child die in order to save the lives of criminals like that. THAT’s the love of God!

As we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, let us never forget the price of the cross and His unfathomable love. Let us remember that God made a way so that His justice and mercy met both our need and the righteous requirements of the law. But at great cost to Himself.

God is good. So very, very good.

JOHN 3:16

God loved the world so much He gave
His Son— the Bible tells us.
A deeper love man has not known.
The depth of it compels us.

I’ve known that verse for many years,
Put to memory for safe-keeping,
But its truth meant something more to me
As I watched my children sleeping.

“I love them so much, Lord,” I whispered,
As I prayed for and kissed each one;
Then I realized the devotion I felt for each child
Was a mere reflection of His for His Son.

How much I desired to protect them;
And I thought as I looked at each face—
How I’d do all in my power to keep them from harm,
Even if asked to die in their place.

And my God had a Son whom He cherished—
Love so perfect, I can’t comprehend
How He gave His Son, not for the righteous,
But to die for those reeking with sin.

For it’s one thing to die for a good man,
For someone you love or admire,
But it’s another to die for a rapist,
A murderer, a cheater, or liar.

And it’s one thing to give up your own life.
Many have done it for bravado or guile,
But it’s another to watch pain and suffering
In the face of your own precious child.

O Great Love that surpasses my knowledge—
“God so loved the world that He gave…”
How sweet to receive grace and mercy—
How His love found us worthy to save!

c. Bobbie Perkins



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