We pray because prayer deepens our relationship with God and helps us to know Him better.
We know we should pray. But do we know the myriads of reasons WHY we should pray?
I realized that I didn’t need to think about myself so much because God doesn’t want me to love myself more.
He is the familiar, the beloved, the One I want to cling to so that His imprint is seen in my life…making me more like Him.
To live with the desire to bring glory to God and to enjoy a relationship with Him is my utmost desire for my children.
We have had revival services at our church this week. It has been a spectacular time of hearing truth, worshipping through music, and bringing our hearts…
I fear we, too, would be like Peter, to deny Him before the dawn.
You look at your deep sorrow and wonder why He has allowed that in your life. You wonder why a good God would allow such pain and suffering.
May believers in my own great country follow the example of our fellow believers in Ukraine and run to the very heart of God.
© 2025 Deeper Roots